Highly recommended for development requiring a high level of safety, the benefits of using formal methods are:
- Better cost-effectiveness : reduction of cost and deadlines
- An improved quality of the software
- Software components which are easier to reuse and more reliable
Formal methods allow responding to the needs of critical software certification by ensuring reliability and absence of malfunctions from a system or software. Applications in many industry domains are possible : safety analysis of embedded critical systems, temporal performance evaluation of real-time distributed systems, …
Technique and tools
- The B Method for the development of critical “correct-by-construction” software
- Event-B for system modeling and proving them safe
- SAT-based Model Checking techniques for the verification of reactive systems
- SCADE, Control-Build or Simulink tools for modeling of command-control systems
- Techniques for formal validation of critical data
Its expertise is enhanced through the development of specific tools adaptable to customer requirements (Systerel Smart Solver, Systerel IXL Builder, OVADO®).