International ABZ conference
Systerel, a key player for the industrial implementation of formal methods for more than 15 years, will attend the 6th edition of the ABZ international conference in Southampton (UK) from June 5th to June 8th.
Systerel is co-authoring the article «On the importance of explicit domain modeling in refinement-based modeling design experiments with Event-B» and will present a session titled «Modeling dynamic data structures with the B Method» describing the implementation of the B method for developing the Safe and Secure OPC solution, a secure implementation of the OPC-UA protocol.
Systerel is a member of the program committee.
The ABZ conference is dedicated to the cross-fertilization of six related state-based and machine-based formal methods, Abstract State Machines (ASM), Alloy, B, TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions), VDM and Z.
The ABZ conference is dedicated to the cross-fertilization of six related state-based and machine-based formal methods, Abstract State Machines (ASM), Alloy, B, TLA (Temporal Logic of Actions), VDM and Z.
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