November 2024

New Features in Ada2022

Explore the advancements in the Ada2022 language: the ‘Image’ attribute, new aggregate types for arrays and the use of Big Numbers.

These innovations enhance the Ada language, improving the efficiency and readability of your code.

November 2024

Ada2022 – Delta Aggregates

Dive into the latest advancements in programming with our new article on the delta aggregates feature in Ada2022!

This new feature allows you to modify an object without the need for intermediate data, offering greater conciseness and readability in your code.

October 2024

Blog : Ada2022 – TermiNA

In our new article dedicated to the Ada language, we share a concrete case study on trace and log management in an application.

TermiNA, a component developed in Ada2022, offers a simple, portable, and sustainable solution to address common issues.

JUNE 2023

Blog post: Expect automation tool

In this article, we focus on the Tcl/Expect automation tool and more specifically on its Ada implementation through GNAT.Expect.

By using this tool, it is possible to easily control third-party applications through a mechanism of expected questions/answers (expect).


Blog: Back-to-Back Testing

A new article has been published on the Systerel Blog!

It tells you everything about Back-to-Back Testing (B2BT), a process of automatic generation of tests based on modeling and formal methods, allowing to control compliance of software implementations