November 2024

Workshop at ISEN Méditerranée

Our HR team took part in a workshop, held at ISEN Méditerranée, aimed at helping engineering students prepare for their first job interviews.

At Systerel, we make every effort to ensure that this experience is positive and enriching.

May 2024

INSA Centre Val de Loire Business Forum

On June 6th and 7th, Systerel will participate in the business forum organized by the National Institute of Applied Sciences Centre Val de Loire.

This event will take place entirely online and is specifically aimed at recently graduated engineers.

March 2024

Systerel will be attending “Rencontres PME – Grandes Écoles”

On March 21st, Systerel will be attending the “Rencontres PME – Grandes Écoles” at the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne on the Provence campus alongside two other renowned schools: Centrale Méditerranée and Les Arts et Métiers ParisTech – École Nationale Supérieure d’Arts et Métiers.

october 2023

100% of our interns hired!

At Systerel, the internship is a real stepping stone towards securing a long-term position with our company.

We actively recruit individuals from various educational backgrounds and institutions across France.